
2021 Challenge: Dec ’20

2021 Challenge: Dec 2020

2020 has been a heck of a year, what is your wishlist for 2021?

Let’s all hope we hit rockbottom in 2020. Now let’s get the heck out of here in 2021!!

What are your greatest wishes, aims, suggestions, and recommendations for ’21? We’ll take ’em all – the philosophical, the ludicrous, the silly, the sublime, the funny, the reflective, the grand, the pie-in-the sky, the you-name-it.

Send them in, and we shall make a list and submit it to the powers-that-be.

Awaiting your input via comment below, here, email, text, shout it out your window, or any ol’ way….

Here is the growing compilation of contributions & submissions…..


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  1. 2020 certainly presented many challenges for me and I am thankful we are entering into 2021 happy and healthy! Like Annie I personally am looking forward to continuing my yoga practice which has helped me more than I can say this year.
    Also, like Annie, I am planning to keep on hiking whenever I can and am also planning a couple backpacking trips! We are planning to visit our daughter Mary and her husband Cameron at their new home in spectacular Colorado as soon as we safely can.
    I want to continue my meditation practice which has helped me be here in this present moment, a true gift.
    I’m so thankful to have our yoga community in my life and happily welcome all classes, podcasts, blogs and anything you want to send our way. And like Mara, I can’t wait to see everyone’s beautiful smiles in person!

    1. Thanks so much Sharon for checking in here….Appreciate hearing about upcoming plans and activities – and glad yoga has been a solid mainstay for you.

      In terms of community, watch for our new satsaunga evenings starting on Monday Jan 18….

      Hope to see you there and certainly in class before then!!

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