10 Characteristics of Dharma
What is dharma
Here we examine in brief some of the fundamentals about dharma…
Here is our 3-week RenYoga University course
“Becoming a Dharmika”
that makes an in-depth investigation of these points.
(A) First, dharma is the natural characteristic or inherent value of something. The dharma of fire is to burn and the dharma of a bird is to fly.
(B) Second, the yogis say that human dharma is based on expansion (vistara), flow of mind (rasa), and service (seva). Vistara means expanding our psychic boundaries to include one and all; rasa means keeping steadiness of mind; and seva means caring for and serving others.
(C) Another way of describing human dharma lies in the 10 characteristics of dharma:
1. Dhrti (patience)
2. Ks’ama (forgiveness)
3. Dhama (self-control)
4. Asteya (non-stealing)
5. Shaoca (cleanliness)
6. Indriyanigraha (control over organs)
7. Dhii (benevolent intellect)
8. Vidya’ (spiritual knowledge)
9. Satyam (benevolent truthfulness)
10. Akrodha (non-anger)
Certainly, each of the above points is a discussion unto itself. As we all have a general understanding of what these points are, suffice to say here that the more we adhere to these tenets, the greater we are following our manava dharma, or human dharma.
very helpful n thank you very much.God bless you.
A good breakdown.Om namah Shivay.
Very bright and meaningful.Thanks a lot. Nagaraja s.
Namaskar Nagaraja ji,
Thank you kindly for your reflections…
Dharma means way to reach destination.
Thank you Meghamala ji for your kind addition.
If we follow dharma, dharma will save us…thank you….
Thank you Vipin for writing in…yes, you are entirely correct:
Dharma rakśati rakśitah – “One who protects dharma is protected by dharma.”
Dharma are universal laws, to act in such a way that is correct and per the prakriti (nature). From a software programmer’s metaphor, Dharma is the rule engine of what that program is intended to performs and to act exactly per the rules without getting attached to outcomes. The creator (programmer) has put in the rule engine and it is for program to report a bug or execute successfully
Namaskar Atul ji,
A very apt analogy indeed!!!
Thank you….
I think non violence is left behind…. i wonder if it comes in akrodha
……….if it doesnt then i feel dharma is incomplete which it cannot be…so ithink information is in complete
Respected Anand ji,
Namaskar. Thank you kindly for your excellent thoughts. Yes, you can say that ahimsa (non-violence) can fall within the scope of akrodha, as well as dhii and dhamah.
Here I also wish to distinguish between (a) the points of yama and niyama, which includes ahimsa, and (b) the 10 characteristics of dharma.
Ultimately, in dharmic life, we have to follow all codes in their entirety – that means following yama and niyama and the aforementioned 10 characteristics.
Thank you once again for your meaningful contribution.
The only way to be doer of dharma is to believe dharma is the only life to live.
Very well stated!!
dharma, seek and you shall find truth within your mind.
Dharma is something you truly believe in yourself also within our spiritual aspect of life in general.
In believing that you can your self esteem and respect yourself and others in the end it will only open your heart and mind to all of dharma
Thanks for your contribution Nelda –
New to practicing dharma
Wonderful to hear!! Welcome aboard!!!
If you have any questions or wish to share your experiences, it’d be great to hear back from you….
Hei tak for jeres tanker. Jeg er også ny forholdsvis. En kvinde fortalte engang, at karma leves i livet med alle de valg og beslutninger der træffes. Dharma er de forudbestemte læringer og beslutninger som er valgt til dette liv for at mestre dem..?
Translation of above Danish by Google Translate:
Hi thank you for your thoughts. I’m also relatively new. A woman once told that karma is lived in life with all the choices and decisions made. Dharma are the predetermined teachings and decisions that are chosen for this life to master them ..?