Wendy Rieger, the news anchor of NBC-4, approached me for an interview for her new show, “Pier Review”, in early September. So one morning we sat and talked on her pier and she also came to a class and filmed. That interview began airing (Oct 27, 2010) on a show called DC Scene, of which Pier Review is a part. The show will air for the next few weeks on channel 208 Comcast. Please watch for it there. Renaissance Yoga was the first topic of this series. Thanks Wendy for having me on!!
For your easy access, here is that interview with Wendy. It is titled:
Pier Review: Learning Yoga From A Global Yogi
FYI, here is the story of what happened when Wendy came to class to shoot the video…READ THIS
All comments are most welcomed below – look forward to hearing from you. Did we pass our first ever TV interview?? – I hope so. Let us know.;
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