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RenYoga U: The Spiritual Science of Attachment (Jul 28 – Aug 4)

Presenting our RenYoga University Class (#006):

In this course, we will take take an introspective journey, apply yogic principles, and free ourselves of attachments that restrict our growth and fulfillment.

 ~ Registration Info Below ~

*** Course Replays ***

Watch all classes and Q & A sessions here

Course Description:

One of the key aspects of yoga is liberation – liberation from all kinds of binding properties, i.e. things that hold us back. In yoga, those “things” are called attachments.

Here we explore the theory of how we acquire attachments, as well as what effect they have on our lives. During this class, in the privacy of your own journal, you will have the opportunity to identify such attachments and learn how to overcome them, i.e. become liberated. We will pursue this on the greater and individual level, theoretically and practically, and you will have complete autonomy to determine what (if anything) you would like to share or add to our collective discussion.

This is an ideal avenue for taking your yoga off the mat and into daily living. It is also a unique opportunity for introspection, review, and, ultimately, upliftment.

Some of the initiatives you will do are:
(a) explore current life habits;
(b) investigate recurring themes in your life;
(c) reflect on your thought patterns and mental tendencies;
(d) apply simple and clear yogic principles to shed light on these habits, themes, patterns, and tendencies;
(e) and, take actions to free / liberate yourself of those aspects that no longer suit or serve you.

This will be a dynamic enterprise of study, learning, analysis, reflection, and review – all conducted in a safe, supportive environment. This will allow you to tap into some of the deeper aspects of yogic life and teachings, and see how they can help and facilitate your progress towards your greater goals and aims.

Is This Course Appropriate For Me?

This class is suited for seekers; healers; practitioners; ordinary folks; or, anyone needing stress-relief, a new life focus, emotional support, or guidance in mental wellness. One need not be a student or practitioner of yoga. The only pre-requisite is having a human body and a human mind (yes, you’ve got that 🙏), and a willingness to improve oneself in some avenue of life: physically, psychically, emotionally, or spiritually.

Class Times & Replays:

The course will be comprised of 2 live online classes with replays freely available for all registrants. All times are EST.

Thurs, July 28: 7pm to 8:15pm
Thurs, Aug 4: 7pm to 8:15pm

Questions & comments will be welcomed anytime via email (or here) and extra Zoom sessions will be conducted by the instructor to answer particular questions. These Q & A Zoom sessions will become part of the course catalog and be made available to all attendees.

This course will be a unique experience that bridges the philosophy of mind with daily living patterns – and so much more. Through yogic teachings we will identify ways to free ourselves of those things which have been holding us back.


– A welcome packet and course materials will be sent to registrants a few days (or so) before the course begins.
– The two live classes will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and Q & A. The game plan is to begin each class with a presentation of information (45 – 55 min), followed by a Q & A and open discussion.
– Weekly emails will serve as a bridge between classes.
– Questions will be accepted and replied to throughout the duration of the course via video.
– All registrants will have access to Zoom replays of the classes.

Note: For those who do not register, each class will be available a la carte for a rental fee of $25. The course materials will also be available for $15, but you will not have access to the weekly emails.


Tuition for Live: $45 by Jul 25, 2022 // $50 after Jul 25, 2022

Tuition for Replays Only: $40 (full course) // $25 per class & $10 per Q &A (a la carte)

Register today to reserve your spot! Any questions, write us here. 🙏

As soon as you register you will receive confirmation, followed by course materials, and ultimately the link for the live online classes. 

Tuition may be paid via:
– Venmo: @RenaissanceYoga
– Paypal: Request an invoice or find us renyoga@gmail.com
– Check: RenYoga c/o Nicholson, 1192 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312


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